1. SSWC Background
The Save Somali Women and Children (SSWC) is a registered non-profit organization established in 1992 and with its headquarter Mogadishu with field offices in South and Central Somalia. SSWC was founded by a group of Somali female intellectuals from a cross section of the community and has a longstanding history of promoting women’s rights and advocacy work both nationally and internationally.
SSWC is women-led and women-centred organization advancing women’s roles at all levels of peace building and conflict resolution, governance and the empowerment of vulnerable women to regain their dignity. SSWC is recognized for its strategic and intensive networking and advocacy campaign for strengthening women economic empowerment and gender equality. SSWC programming reflects the needs of vulnerable populations by addressing humanitarian gaps for women and children and supporting women to overcome marginalization, violence and poverty. SSWC thematic priority area is to protect women against sexual and gender-based violence (SGBV), including genital female mutilation (FGM), especially targeting internally displaced persons (IDPs).
A. Objective of Assignment
Ø In order to recruit and retain the high performing employees and ensure team members feel valued and fairly renumerated for their work, SSWC is seeking to engage the services of a qualified Consultant with extensive expertise in organizational development, human resources management and labour market analysis to undertake an independent salary and benefits survey. The Consultant is expected to assess SSWC market competitiveness against similar NGOs operating in Somalia for the purpose of updating the current salary structure in line with the latest prevailing pay market rates for similar work of comparable quality, complexity and difficulty by ensuring both internal and external equity.
Ø To understand the Human Resource structure of the organization., identify trends, challenges, and best practices in HR management within the Organization sector and assess compliance with labor laws and alignment with international HR standards.
B. Scope and focus of the assignment
Ø The selected individual or firm shall compile and suggest to SSWC a list of employers which may be considered as comparators, for the purpose of establishing staff remuneration and provide an explanation of why those market comparisons were chosen. The list shall be subjected to final approval by SSWC.
Ø Carry out a survey to compare SSWC remuneration levels (Salary and non-salary benefits) with suitable local, regional and global comparators.
Ø A strategic framework with which rational decisions can be made in response to changing organization structure and roles and to market rate pressures.
Ø A consistent approach for the determination and management of relativities between jobs.
Ø The basis for developing an equitable pay structure across SSWC based on a logical method of measuring relative job scope and size.
Ø Presentation and submission of a final survey findings with comparison and analysis of the survey results, recommendations related to remuneration packages;
Ø Make proposals for adjusting current remuneration levels and a corresponding implementation plan.
Ø Supporting effective communication and change management throughout the process.
Ø The individual or firm shall maintain complete confidentiality of all data and documents provided by selected comparator employers and by that of SSWC.
C. Deliverables and outputs
Ø Details and Summary of data collected from the Comparators showing TOR matches and the evaluation of their remuneration package.
Ø The Minimum and Maximum Remuneration values of all job matches obtained from the comparators in a format that enables like-for-like comparison with SSWC remuneration.
Ø A report on final survey findings with comparison and analysis of the survey results, and recommendations related to remuneration packages. The report should include summary information on the comparator employers (size, financial portfolio, number of employees, length of time present in the location and length of organizational existence in the case of local NGO, etc.) against which current salaries can be reviewed, and a salary survey methodology that can be used for future surveys;
Ø Identify the positions that have a greater need to be competitively paid. Conduct an internal equity review and analysis. Develop cost estimate with recommendations for resolving any inconsistencies between internal equity and external competitiveness.
Ø All completed questionnaires together with relevant salary scales and all relevant documentations and correspondences received from the respective comparators.
Ø As and when required by SSWC, the individual or firm shall conduct a presentation of the process and the results to any relevant audience that SSWC may organize in this project period or put together for SSWC use to present in the future.
Ø A change management plan to allow the SSWC to implement the recommendations for job grade changes.
D. Monitoring and progress controls
The consultant’s work progress will be monitored primarily through periodic review meetings, the precise schedule of which is to be determined based on consultation with the Consultant. The Consultant is also expected to produce, upon SSWC’s request, a formal progress report for the BOARD that includes: an overview of the project, a narrative description of project activities, detailed information on project objectives and milestones, actual achievements made against the timeline and deliverables agreed upon at the onset.
E. Duration of the consultancy
The duration of the assignment will be for a period of thirty (30) consultancy days, starting from the date of signature of contract by both parties, subject to adjustments as required and mutually agreed upon.
F. Qualification & experience
The successful personnel shall meet the following minimum criteria:
Ø Minimum of a Bachelor’s Degree in human resource management, organizational development or related discipline
Ø At least ten (10) years professional experience in undertaking salary and benefits survey for NGOs
Ø Proven track record in the area of compensation and benefit analysis, including for comparable National or international organizations.
Ø Extensive experience in the field of Human Resource Management.
Ø Evidence of past experience in undertaking salary survey for global/national organizations or government.
Ø Familiarity with labor market issues in humanitarian and development sector.
Ø Understanding of Somalia labor market
Ø Proven ability to deliver work on time in the most professional, effective and efficient manner
Ø Fluent in English, fluence of Somali language is an added advantage
Ø Excellent writing and presentation skills (all required reports shall be written in English).
Recommended presentation of proposals
The Proposal shall be presented in the following manner:
Ø Personal Curriculum Vitae highlighting the qualifications that meet the minimum requirements stated in Section F above, and at least three (3) references;
Ø Explaining why he/she is the most suitable contractor for the work, and a brief methodology on how he/she will approach and conduct the work and
Ø The Financial Proposal containing the final and all-inclusive (professional fees – contact is responsible all taxes, indicate travel, accommodation, visa fee, etc which SSWC may provide directly.) total price offer for the full range of services required, broken down into all major cost components associated with the services.
Ø The total price shall be in a fixed lump-sum amount, and milestone payments corresponding to outputs shall be indicated in the proposal.
H. Submission of proposals & evaluation criteria
Technical and Financial proposals will be submitted together. In determining the final selection of the qualified bidder, the technical quality of the proposal will be given a weightage of 70% on the basis of a criteria for evaluation (in line with the required qualifications as outlines in Section F above. The financial proposal shall be allocated a weightage of 30% and the proposals will be ranked in terms of total points scored.
SSWC Organization highly expected from the selected individual or firm to maintain the highest level of confidentiality to the information provided before, during and after the conclusion of the task. He/she shall practice highest standard of professional and ethical values and norms in providing this consultancy services.
How to apply
Interested and qualified candidates should submit their technical and financial proposal to the following email: hr@sswc-som.org cc ahmednasir@sswc-som.org
The application should be marked “SSWC Renumerations and Structural Review” in the subject line.
The deadline for receiving proposals is: 25th January 2025 at 16:00 hours East Africa Time (GMT+3),
SSWC reserves the right to determine the structure of the process, number of shortlisted participants, the right to withdraw from the proposal process, the right to change this timetable at any time with notice and reserves the right to withdraw this bid process at any time, without prior notice and without liability to compensate and/or reimburse any party.